Friday, November 19, 2010

van Gogh

I did 2 separate van Gogh projects with my classes. With Kindergarten, we studied The Starry Night and with Multi-Age and Grade 2, we studied his still life, Sunflowers.

This was a 2 week project. The first week we read Mike Venezia's book about van Gogh to learn more about the artist. In some classes we also read Painting the Wind by Michelle Dionetti. Grade 2 read Katie and the Sunflowers.

Kindergarteners recreated a starry night. They began by using glue and making a swirly night time sky. Ideally, I would have used gel glue, but for some reason, my bottles kept clogging on me, and it was easier to use regular. (I like the effects of gel better though!) After this dried, students used construction paper crayons to add the swirly night.

The still life drawing were done the same way, but students used oil pastels and added a frame around their flowers . And although I put sunflowers on their tables to look at, students were free to draw any type of flower they wished, even from their imagination. (Kindergarten did not draw before gluing.)

At the end of both projects, if students finished early, I gave them a sheet about van Gogh with The Starry Night as a coloring page. They took this home to teach their parents about the artist. I heard from many parents that the students did, indeed, come home and talk about van Gogh. Of course, the one thing they seem to gravitate on is his ear! They did remember other things too....but that ear fascination?!

I was really impressed with how the final projects came out, but more importantly, the works in progress. Students discussed their color choices and thought about what colors they would use, as well as how many flowers seemed 'right'. They are hanging up in the Art Room and really pack a visual punch. (Unfortunately, my camera does not do justice to them.)

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